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I think it's important to share this because it needs to be made aware of. It needs to be spoken about those of us who have suffered sexual abuse need to know that it isn't our fault. You did nothing wrong, it's not you it's them. To those who question sexual abuse you need to know that we did nothing wrong we didn't ask for it WE didn't want it. Rape is still one of the hardest cases to try around the world because people find it hard to imagine why we didn't fight, why we didn't scream, it's only sex. Let me tell you rape isn't about sex it's about POWER the power the abuser has over you. Rape isn't something that happens down a dark alley by a stranger. Most rapes are committed by some one you know.
I am a survivor, I was raped by my then boyfriend when I was 16 years old, I wasn't wearing provocative clothing, I was wearing a flannel nightie. I was just there when he came home from work(he was 21) at which he apparently had a bad day. All he said to me was I need this I have had a bad day. While I was telling him no no no. I didn't report my rape, I am not alone many women don't report it many men don't either.
I am also the survivor of sexual assault, at 14 going to stay at my cousin's house after she had stayed at mine. It was arrange by her mother that we would catch a lift back with my Aunt's brother in law who was a truck driver, half way back we stopped for the night so he could sleep. At first he told me I had to sleep in the cab with him I was a little weirded out but he was my cousins uncle and I thought I could trust him, I was wrong I was just starting to fall asleep when I felt his hands on me and him whispering in my ear that "it would be easier if I just rolled over and faced him" I didn't and got out of that cab pretty quick. He then tried the same thing on my cousin. In the end he gave up and slept sitting up while my cousin and I huddled together scared in the cab. We never reported it. These are just two stories of how this happens to people from people you know but there are millions of the same type of stories out there.
I am asking you to please don't be so quick to judge when you hear these cases. We have the right to say no and have it taken seriously. Being passed out from drinking doesn't equal consent, wearing a short skirt doesn't equal consent, tight pants doesn't equal consent. The only thing that equals consent is someone saying to you Yes I want to have sex with you.
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