Ok so you have more than likely already read my rant from earlier today about the failing of the Labor Party. It's seems that they still aren't getting it.
We know what you have achieved since 2007 Under Rudd and what you have achieved since under Gillard what you aren't getting is that WE DON'T WANT GILLARD really is it that hard to understand?
26% approval rating should be speaking volumes to you since you rolled Rudd who had 52% her approval rating is 26 POINTS lower than Rudd ever was. You still aren't getting that the Australian public doesn't approve of Gillard. We don't approve of her because she rolled a popular Prime Minister. We don't like the fact that she is still yet to explain the REAL reason she rolled our loved PM. You phoney assed excuses of he was unpopular fail to fly considering the current polls and that he was leading a paralysed Government doesn't fly either. His job is to see things done not make you happy. If you want to be happy with your boss build your own Business which means YOU are the boss.
The whinging from those who worked for Rudd saying they were asked to work through the night had me heading for my violin and crying those poor sods a river............................ NOT. Give me a break working for the Prime Minister of Australia isn't a 9 to 5 job. Oh no he didn't thank you for the work you did :O. Oh wait yes he did he paid you and paid you well for it. Complaining when you are pulling in more than $150k pa is PATHETIC.
Oh no you had to travel with him :O get over it you were paid for it and GOT TO SEE THE WORLD on the tax payers dime. What's the issue?
So Labor party get it though your heads WE WANT RUDD.
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