Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Yesterday I was talking to my friend Crissy from Phenonmenal Woman http://bloggitymoo.blogspot.com.au/ and we were both lacking motivation to do housework. Seriously I hate housework and any excuse not to do it is fine by me but then the house becomes a bomb site and I need to clean it up.

So with some help I discovered a great way to motivate yourself, Using an egg timer you set it to 10/15 minutes then clean for that amount of time then take a break normally about 5 minutes. Then reset the timer and do it all over again trying to do more and more each time and *drum roll please* you have a clean house.

It's even more fun if you have a group of friends to do it with so you can best each other or see who can do more in the 15 minutes.

So timers set. Ready Set GO.

1 comment:

  1. Thankee Lovely, you know, that whole 15minute thing works! Once i got started, i couldn't stop though hehe. Was just the kickstart I needed xx
