If you have been reading my whole blog then you would have read me griping about the media getting the nurses fight with the Victorian Government wrong. Well on Friday they WON, the Government finally backed down, the nurses get to keep their nurse to patient ratio, No split shifts and NO health assistants, they are also getting a 14 to 21 % pay rise which was MORE than they were asking for in the first place. So now the question is why after 9 months did the Victorian Government cave in and let them keep everything and give them a higher pay rise than they were asking for?
Why did they waste 9 months?
Why did they waste tax payer dollars on lawyers?
Why Why Why are the rumours true that Baillieu was only in it for the fight? Was he doing it because he thought the nurses would cave?
If he was doing it because he thought the nurses would cave the man is delusional you seriously don't go into nursing if you want to be a millionaire because the money isn't in this job you get paid pittance to look after sick people, you get abused on the job by patients, you run the risk of catching nasty diseases of you prick your finger with a needle. The job is a labour of love people go into nursing because they care about other people. The person taking care of you is there because they WANT to be not because they HAVE to be.
Some things about this whole fight amused the hell out of me like the Government saying that nurses were putting patients lives at risk when they did their planned stop work actions. All they were doing was leaving the number of nurses that would have been on shift if the Government got it's way. So why when the nurses are doing it it's putting patients lives at risk but if the Government had of gotten it's way it would have been fine?
Why did they spend millions of Dollars demonising the nurses who were only looking out for the public's interests(no one wants to be look after by and un qualified person).
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