When I was pregnant with child number 1 husband and I had discussions of what parenthood would be like, he saw sunshine and rainbows with well behave children. What we got was a child who rarely slept unless she was in my arms and didn't like her daddy until she was about 18 months old. Husband use to complain that I had her off switch. He would hold her while I was doing something and she would scream and scream and scream and no matter what he did she wouldn't settle insert mummy and all was right with her world, she would stop screaming and calm down. Then 17 months later we added another child into the mix and trust there was no sunshine and rainbows it was nappies, tantrums, feeding making sure the one kid didn't poke the other child awake.
Trust me when I say it's not all rainbows and sunshine sure there are days where things go well and everything is happy. Yes parenting is great but it's damn hard work. The late nights, the never ending supply of dirty nappies, the toilet training, the mess they make the stuff they break, the shrill cries that grate on your nerves. Don't get me wrong parenting is rewarding seeing your child smile for the first time, a hug, the delight in their eyes when the discover that they can do something, watching them grow and learn. But it's tough, nothing worth having is easy and it's the same with parenting.
There is the PND, cracked nipples(if breastfeeding), judgement if you breast feed, judgement if you don't. Parenting advice from strangers, people touching you like you are public property when pregnant. Judgement from strangers if you happen to be young and with two children but your husband is at work(yes this happened to me). Books that say one thing, books that say another, your child not adhering to your set scheduling for them. The Stress the strain. The expectations. And this is just with healthy children imagine how hard it would be with children who are sick, or premmie. When going into parenting you have to remember that this is real life and in real life things can get tough. Never be afraid to ask for help when you need it.
And of course, the teenage years, oh yay for those :/ Love the pic :D