I love my friends the ones near and the ones far, a lot of them have come to be like family to me there when I need them and I am there when they need me. They accept that I am a little nuts yet still love me.
I have wonderful friends there is Crissy over at Phenomenal Woman http://bloggitymoo.blogspot.com.au who I talk to most days, we share everything and even though we are states away from each other we are great friends. Then there are the people I have meet due to facebook games such as Kingdoms of Camelot who have become like family I am in their lives and they are in mine and most of us talk daily over skype or through the game.
Then there is my sister in law not only is she my sister in law but is also a great friend, And a big mention to my actual sister who has been there with me through the hard times and the good ones. Then I have my cousins who are just as crazy as I am(we think it's genetic LOL). These are the people who help keep me sane.
So to all my Friends THANK YOU for being YOU.
Nawww <3 I love you too xxx