So after being a stay at home mum for the last 11 years I am looking for work. This is a rather scary thing for me because I have been out of the work force for so so so long. Last year I did two months of short term work, but now I am looking for long term forever work. I am sick and tired of my own company(ie me by myself). I need people interaction cause I am quite boring after spending that last two years with just me for company on the days that Husband is at work and kids are at school. There is only so much you can say to yourself and how much housework you can do with out going totally crazy. Worst of all I have to now arrange my days around Dr Phil.
So in the last two weeks I have applied for 4 jobs and will apply for more until I get one. Really I need a job that is going to let me work around husband's hours or at least a 9 til 2 job but I don't think it's very likely. I am always asked if husband is pressuring me to go to work but the reality is that he isn't. He is happy for me to stay at home if that is what I want to do, he is really supportive of anything that I choose to do.
I am feel like I am slowly losing what ever brain matter I had staying at home. I am not using my brain all that much and I need something to do to keep from going mad.
So here is hoping I find a job soon.
Are you saying I am not mentally stimulating enough for you????????!!!