Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Late nights

Recently I have been having some late nights due to a bout of insomnia.  I really hate insomnia it's the pits especially when you have children and you have to get up early in the morning to see them off to school.  It wouldn't be so bad if husband was on days off but he isn't he is working the morning shift and is gone by 6am in the morning.  I am left feeling like crap all day long but then when it's bedtime I get a 100th wind and I am wide awake again and unable to fall asleep til 4 or 5 in the morning which leaves me having only about 3 hours of sleep a night.  Really I should be use to it because it happens every so often but I am not and I am left tired and grumpy and frustrated because I really want to sleep but can't.  I use to be a night owl when I didn't have kids and the insomnia didn't bother me so much because I didn't have to get up early.

I have tried pills, they leave me feeling fuzzy and incoherent the next day, mediation just doesn't work, destressing doesn't work actually one Dr suggested this and I laughed in his face and another Dr told me welcome to parenthood I wanted to punch him in the face.  Why do Dr's assume just because you are a parent that all woe's and illnesses is due to children.  My children are older they aren't babies they sleep all night, I am not up and down because of them, I have a problem no it won't go away by destressing I know I have tried.  No it's not because of my children.  There has to be some reason for it don't brush me off.


  1. That must really suck. I on the other hand, can sleep anywhere, anytime, on a bed, under a bed, hell, even standing up. :P
