The most stupidest thing of the year has a winner and we are only half way through. While reading my favourite parenting site I came across this article
I am serious stunned at the stupid of it all. Banning touching at school what the hell is wrong with this picture. Naww children were being hurt sure that's sad but seriously NO touching no wonder the world is totally fucked up when you can't hug your mate or give someone a high five for something.
What happened to the days where a little rough play was encouraged, the days where the only thing that was banned was british bulldog? Why are we wrapping our kids up in cotton wool then sending them out as adults to deal with a world they know nothing about. Life is tough, people are rough children need to be prepared for this they can't be wrapped in bubble wrap.
When I was a kid broken bones were cool, a bruise was nothing, we played rough talked tough and we lived. Billy carts, tree houses, rope swings, swimming in creeks, getting dirty, outside without parental supervision. When the hell did we become a bunch of namdy pamdy morons?
How is this in anyway acceptable? How do children learn when they aren't allowed to try? How do they learn compassion if they can't hug their friends when they are upset?
WAKE UP WORLD we are taking things way to far.
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