I am so tired I can barely stay awake. Thank goodness husband isn't heading off to work tonight and has offered to cook(heaven help me some "new" concoction he has thought up) and all I want to do is sleep. Child number 2 is a horrible sleeper, well actually that is a lie he is a great sleep once you get him TO SLEEP it's the getting him to sleep that is the problem and has been for about 7 years.
From the time he was about 22 months old he could and would fight sleep, he could stay awake until 2 or 3 in the morning and be up at 8am ready and raring(his only speed) to go. So I in desperation when he was 3 called the QEII for help and was told that he was to old for them to help. So here I am with a newborn a 3 year old who won't sleep and a 4 year old going to pre school and I was getting about 3 hours of sleep a night, then on the go all day long.
Every Dr I spoke to told me it was a stage and he would grow out of it, my mum assumed my parental skills were lacking because I couldn't make him sleep so I let her have a crack at it and after 2hours she gave up. Now that he is 9 I am at my wits end. I need more sleep, he needs more sleep but I am not sure how to get it for him. Now I am so tired from just writing this out I think I need a nap. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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