Today I read a heartbreaking story about a young boy who for the last two years has been bullied at school because of his weight, he had had enough and decided to post on facebook a post about it naming and shaming his tormentor. He didn't sink to levels of name calling just asked why people joined in with this other young boy and did they realise they damage they were doing.
It was just heartbreaking and it took me back to the years that I was bullied as a child from the time I started school to the time I finished. Every one use to tell me that I would look back on my school years as the best times of my life I thought that was stupid then and I still think that it's stupid today. Seriously what a dumb assed thing to say to someone who is being bullied every day at school. School wasn't the best years of my life school was hell on earth, at the first high school I went to the school was trying so hard to hide what was happening in it's school that they outright denied that I was being bullied. They told me I needed witnesses and was denying there was a problem within the school all while telling my mum I really needed to see a councillor(jumped an 8 month waiting list their concerns were so great). By the time I had reached year 9 I was called everything from dog to whore. I had had everything thrown at me from erasers to staplers(yes staplers) across the class room. The one time at that school that I stood up for myself I was told by the teacher to sit down and be quiet, mind you she had been watching what was happening and did NOTHING to stop it. So I told the teacher to go fuck herself and gave her a right mouthful as well. That afternoon I went home and told mum I was never returning to that school. I never did.
At the next school same sort of stuff happened and I just learnt to ignore it or started to stand up for myself and getting into trouble. But I refused to allow those bullies to force me out of school. I had the right to an education just like the rest of them and I got it. I finished year 12 and called it a day on school(for then anyway).
And now it seems school still aren't able to stop bullying in extremes, The internet is making it worse with the now ablitity for cyber bullying and parents aren't aware until it's to late their children have committed suicide. Or attacked their attacker.
The young man at the I was talking about has taken a non violent stance and has proven that he is a strong young man it takes more strength to combat this the way he has than to sink to the lowest level of violence. So to the young man in question stand tall hold your head high and under stand that school is such a sort time in your life and you will go on to bigger and better things and when you get to my age(*cough* that made me sound old) you will look back and think school was hell but I made it through I am stronger than they were and I am successful today I am way better than they think I was.
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