Or so child 3 thinks. What makes me the worlds worst mother? I had the audacity to question her as to why she wouldn't do any work yesterday where upon she told me to "shut up you idiot" so as soon as we got home I sent her to her room. Yep that's it I sent her to her room and told her not to speak to me like that. That's it and I am up for worlds worst mother. It wasn't like she was even in her room for long I put her in there until she calmed down which took all of 5 minutes then she was allowed out again. After she had apologised of course.
I love these little phrases that get thrown out.
You are the world's worst mum
I hate you
You are a mean mummy
and so on and so on. I have even had a conversation with child 3 once where she was getting into trouble for something and she tells me that we should all be nice and be friends(thanks school) and she was stunned when I told her I don't have to be her friend what I have to be is her mum and we could be friends when she got older.
So later last night you think she would have learnt her lesson right?
WRONG. I put her into bed and was trying to get her to go to sleep and 3 times she tells me I am stupid then throws me out of her room. Yes I could have stayed but I didn't want to have to deal with her tantrum(as she was tired) so I left where upon she yelled and screamed for about 10 minutes then promptly fell asleep.
I use to spend so much of my time when they were younger getting them to talk now I wish I hadn't(yes I am kind of joking)
Haha i shouldn't laugh. I get "I HATE YOU MUM" and "I DONT CARE" quite regularly. Ah gotta love it..or not!