Monday, May 28, 2012


Why are people so stupid?
Why do they no do a little research before saying stupid things?
Why do they continue to argue with you when you point out when they are wrong?

These are just a few of the thoughts that have run around my head today.  I was playing a game on facebook today having a chat with a few of the people there talking about how cold it was and which heating was the best.  I said central heating for the win and most agreed.  Then from no where someone pipes up with I am from Australia and we don't have Central heating here in Australia.  Now most of us had already indicated that we were from Australia and were a little dumb founded by this.

I piped up with that I am from Australia and I have Central heating, The person then asked me what state I was in and I told them.  They went Oh I am from NSW and we don't have it here, your state must be the only one that has it.  At this point a few others piped up with their states and the fact that they had Central heating yet this one person still argued that in NSW they didn't have Central heating.  

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