Yesterday I was involved in a discussion about pro choice for woman's reproductive rights. And the discussion and me sitting here with my mouth hanging open in shock. The amount of times I heard I am pro choice BUT had me shaking my head in disbelief. It's a bit like saying I am not a racist BUT. I was left wondering how in the world can you be pro choice but then place your own limitations onto someone else's choice.
I heard I am pro choice but only up to 6 weeks. WTF most woman don't even know they are pregnant at 6 weeks.
I am pro choice but only up to 12 weeks.
I am pro choice but not for abortions preformed at 39 weeks. This one had me going Whoa there back the horse up No clinic in Australia would preform an abortion at 39 weeks No Dr would preform one at that many weeks they would just preform a C-section if the mothers life was in danger.
For those of you unaware of abortion laws in Australia most states allow abortion up to 23 weeks gestation after that up to a certain point only for medically necessary reason that 3 Dr's have to agree to(ie the mother life or mental health is in danger or for genetic defects).
I informed those in the discussion that they can't be pro choice if you allowed YOUR limitations to someone else choice and was shouted down, I was told that was Bullshit and that I couldn't define pro choice for someone else. But for me it's pretty simple either you support a woman's right to choice over her reproductive right regardless of what you would do or you don't. If you don't you aren't pro choice. Personally an Abortion is something I couldn't do but just because it's not something I would do doesn't mean that someone else can't make that choice for themselves.
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