There is so much stigma attached to stay at home mum's these days. I really don't get it, woman make choices that are best for their families. I know I did, I am a stay at home mum. This is a role I love most days some days I get a little tired of the daily grind but who doesn't? This was a choice made by husband and my self back when child 1 was born. I would be the stay at home parent and husband would work. His plan is for me to eventually get a job that will go over and above his pay grade and he can be a kept man(chuckle). No really he would keep his job he loves it.
I don't have to actually go to work we know that we are lucky like this many people don't actually get that choice they have to work to survive. I don't judge working parents, I don't think they need to justify themselves to me or anyone else and I shouldn't have to justify our family choice to anyone else and normally I don't. Notice I said normally there have been a few times when I have not justified myself but had a few arguments with people about what I do. One was some one I have known for a long time. At a party we were talking and he asked what I did(we hadn't seen each other in a while) so I told him and the look on his smug face when he told me "oh that's not work" made me want to punch him in the face.
People I have met through others have asked the same question "what do you do all day?" I wonder if they know how insulting that question is. I don't go around asking people who do paid employment what they do all day why do they need to know what I do all day.
Then there is the assumption that all stay at home mums do is go to the gym, go out to lunch with friends or out for coffee. Lets get one thing straight some mums do that others don't I don't the only person I go out to lunch with is my husband when we go on a "date".
Ok that is the end of my rant for now.
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