Friday, January 27, 2012

Nef gun+ boobs= OUCH

So you have all heard of nerf guns right. The new crazy for Adults and kids alike. Here is a story for women. Last Sunday Husband and I were playing with my Nephew's Nerf guns. We were being rather silly shooting each other. He had a revolver type one and I have a pump action shotgun one. This is where the OUCH comes into it. In my haste to load the gun I put it close to my boobs pulled pushed and got my boob stuck in the mechanism. I almost screamed from the pain it cause quickly releasing my boob I instantly started to bruise.

The bruise started off looking like a hickey then it went blue then brown now it's a yellowy brown and it still hurts :(.

So there is a lesson in this by all means play with nerf guns just don't put them near your boobs.

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