Ok this morning I was shown a blog by my lovely friend over at Phenomenal Woman: www.bloggitymoo.blogspot.com.au
This guy who wrote this piece truly is an Arsehole. So in response to his "lovely"(yes I am using sarcasm there) piece I have decided to write a response.
Here is his piece
www.boldanddetermined.com/2012/11/29/how-to-meet-shy-girls/ Trust me it's gag worthy and may induce feelings for stabbiness. I am hoping he see's it and reads it.
Dear Bold & Determined
Having just been shown your blog piece this morning I just wished to clear a few things up with you.
Number 1- Women are not "whores"
Number 2- I hope you don't kiss your mother with that mouth
Number 3- This blog piece is more than likely the reason you are no longer having sex with ANY woman.
Women are not toys for you to play with they are human beings capable it seems of more intelligent thought than you. You say you want to act like a man around a women here is a thought trying acting like a man and not a Neanderthal. Women don't want to be "hunted" we are not animals and you are not a hunter. We also aren't food. It is quite obvious from your blog piece that you have some issues that you should really seek help about them until then please stay away from women.
Encouraging me to touch a woman after she has said NO is encouraging them to commit sexual assault because NO actually means NO. No is NOT an invitation for you to continue touching someone. Also women enjoy this thing(now I know this is going to be hard for you) called PERSONAL SPACE and if you are up in it all you should be getting is a rather nasty case of sore balls.
Shy women wouldn't touch you with a barge pole. I would know I am ONE. And speaking personally if any guy tried those tactics on me he would end up with extremely sore BALLS.
I can tell you right now not all shy girls are "girlish" or don't have High Career ambitions we are just quiet achievers going quietly about our business and will go as high as we wish to go. And you under estimate just how much of an opinion shy girls actually have. We have lots just because we don't state them loudly doesn't mean we don't have them and don't express them because we do.
This one paragraph explains to all why you can't keep a girlfriend/wife it's because you don't understand women at all.
"Shy girls do not tend to have sky high over-confidence and are more down to earth and downright easier to be around. I’m sure you have been spoonfed all this baloney about girls needing more confidence, well they don’t. They have far too much artificial confidence and that’s one reason they cannot keep a boyfriend and one reason why they are mentally unbalanced and rely on pharmaceutical anti-depressants. A shy girl isn’t necessarily immune to all this, but there’s a good chance she is."
There is just so much wrong in that one paragraph.
You go on to compound your mistake by stating that "Part of being a man is being protector of your property, that includes your woman." I am not sure what century you are living in by women stopped being Viewed as property a LONG TIME AGO.
There is SO much more wrong with your blog piece but I think it stands to reason that you now might understand why women are avoiding you like the plague. You are insensitive, devoid of any actual emotion other than aggression and please take my advice about seeking Professional help seriously you seem like you really need it.
Ok this bit needs addressing again, just so it becomes clear in your mind.
Here is your take on it
"You don’t need to act like a nice guy dweeb to get a shy girl. You don’t need to keep your hands to yourself and “respect her boundaries”. You need to be the aggressor, like a gentleman caveman. Shy girls aren’t touchy feely."
Here is my break down of it.
"You don't need to act like a nice guy dweeb to get a shy girl"- No you don't need to act like a nice guy try actually being one and you may actually get a shy girl or any girl for that matter.
"You don’t need to keep your hands to yourself and “respect her boundaries”.- You do have to keep your hands to your self and respect her boundaries because if you don't you end up on a sexual assault charge.
"You need to be the aggressor, like a gentleman caveman."- if you are going to be an "aggressor" or caveman you need to leave out the word Gentlemen because I highly doubt that you know what a gentleman actually is.
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