It was that she didn't say NO. Mind you the young girl was passed out at the time and couldn't say yes or no even if she wanted to. So he was saying that the absence of no was a yes. WTF? How could an young woman passed out say yes or no? Why if she couldn't say no mean that it was a yes? These are some of the questions I would like to ask this attorney. I know that it's his job to defend his client but such a useless defence was going to see the outcome that was the outcome. Guilty.
Here is a link to the news story about the defence:
This same lawyer was also later quoted as saying "yet Madison claims the 16-year-old knew what she was getting herself into, because who wouldn't expect to be repeatedly sexually assaulted by multiple people without her consent after some shots? We call that "Friday night!""
Where does he get off blaming the victim? This was done TO her without her consent, she was violated in one of the worst ways imaginable and he thinks he can just call it a friday night? If I was the woman in his life I would be afraid very afraid that he thinks this kind of behaviour is acceptable.
What upsets me the most is that this isn't a one off, Media reports rapes and it's always always always stated if the woman had been drinking or not. It doesn't matter if the woman/girl/man/boy was drinking if you don't say yes it's RAPE.
Police questions can be just as insensitive
Have you slept with him before?
How many times?
What makes you think it was rape?
Why were you alone with him?
Why were you drinking?
What were you wearing?
Stuff like that is victim blaming, lets get one thing straight once and for all VICTIMS AREN'T TO BLAME. They aren't responsible in any way shape or form.
It should never be about what she wore, what she drank, what she did. Why aren't there questions in the media about what he wore, what he drank, what he did? The actions of the rapists seem to be blamed on the raped each and every time. This is unfair to the victim, why should they carry the responsibility of someone else's actions?
It was not her fault her daddy did that to her, it was not her fault her brother did that to her, it was not her fault her uncle, grandfather, boyfriend, family friend ETC did that to her. The responsibility has to lie with him because if it doesn't we can never stop the rape culture we seem to have developed as a world.
The fault must lie with the rapist, they need to be held accountable for their actions. We need to make this abuse stop. Rape is one of the least reported crimes in the WORLD, Those that are report only about 2% make it to court and only about 1% have a conviction recorded. Why is it that woman accept this? Why are we not crying out for harsher sentences, why is one of the biggest crimes against woman given such lowly treatment?
We need to rise up we need to be a collective voice, we need to demand the punishment fit the damn crime. NO MORE lenient sentences for a crime that woman will carry with them for life, It changes you as a person, it changes your sense of security, every body you meet is met with caution will this be a person who takes advantage of me.
This is why victim blaming will always be wrong we carry a guilt that isn't ours to carry.
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